Monday, December 17, 2018

Skin Care Tips - Get Rid of Dark Black Neck Naturally At Home Using Home Remedies


Friends, we do not do anything to make the face white and focus all attention on the face. But on one main thing, we forget to pay attention which is our neck. If yes, if the neck is not fair and fair, then the face will not be able to look beautiful, no matter how fair the face is.

So let us clean our necks today and we will refine our colors. By making a few easy home remedies - 

we will do the procedure of fairing the neck in two steps - 

Step 1 

In the first step, we will scrub. Cut tomatoes halfway to scrub; Tomatoes contain an element called lycopene, which is a skin lightening, now on chopped tomatoes, add half a teaspoon of salt; all the dead skin cells will be removed from the salt. 

And now your scrubber is ready, you massage your neck for 10 minutes and then wash it with water. Doing so will only affect you for the first time.

Step 2 - 

Now you have to pack on your neck, to make the pack, you have to take 2 teaspoons of gram flour, 2 teaspoons of lentil pulse powder (it can be made by grinding lentils at home or even by reducing the market. 

You can buy 4-5 spoons of potato juice (take out its juice by grinding potatoes) Now make a paste by adding potato juice in gram flour and lentil pulse powder and make this paste only in potato juice Do not take water , And now apply it properly on your neck and leave it for drying for 20-25 minutes, and now after drying, water with the help of water should be slightly so that all the dead skin cells and dark patches will get out. And then wash it with water now. 

This will start showing the effect in the first time. 

You can use this day to be away quickly blackish your neck and then after week 2 -3  when using time.
image source

Author: verified_user