Monday, December 17, 2018

Hair Growth Tips - Natural Remedies for Baldness, White Hair, Falling Hair in a Month


Friends, today we will know about such natural remedies for prolonging baldness, white hair, falling hair, and short hair, after which the hair starts moving in the same month, then it will become black, and if the baldness If the problem is then the new hair will also grow. 

So let us know about this special remedy - after using it we will get rid of all kinds of problems of Balo.  Today we will make kalangi hair oil at home - 

Step 1

First of all, we have to take 2 tbsp Kalonji and take a fine grind in the grinder. Protein, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B-2, Many potent elements are found in vitamins B-3, folic acid, iron, copper, zinc, phosphorus, which also cause hair to grow on bald heads.

Step 2 - 

Then take 2 small spoonful fenugreek seeds, it is also a fine grinding. But keep in mind that kalongi and fenugreek seeds are different because they are different from both of them, so both of them will not be able to grind together. Apart from nicotine acid in fenugreek, there are many other types of such substances that can be found to reduce the hair loss and hair is longer.

Step 3 - 

Now you take 50 ml castor oil (pomegranate oil) and 100 ml of coconut oil.

Step 4 - 

Now you take a glass jar or bottle and drain that bottle well, there should not be any moisture in the bottle. Now put the pancake kalongi and fenugreek in this bottle and after that add both oil (castor oil and coconut oil) too. 

Now take hot water in a second vessel, but keep in mind that the water should not be too hot, otherwise the glass bottle will get burnt and keep the bottle of oil in that water and let the bottle remain in it until the water cools down. By heating the oil in this way, its natural oil will not end and Balo will get the full benefit.

Step 5 - 

Now the main thing is that the bottle of this oil is kept in the sunlight for 8-10 days, otherwise the oil will get worse. You can put this bottle in such a place where it comes to direct heat. Can keep this oil in freezing for 2 months. 

Oil How to use 

- to the paraffin after placing in the sun for five days might start to use it, and use it three times a week to the best of your hair. Massage well with this oil in the scalp. In 4-5 weeks you will know the effect.
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Author: verified_user