Monday, December 3, 2018

Dates Benefits: Bones will be strong, skin will become beautiful and will descend hangover ... 10 benefits of date


Dates Benefits: Thousands of years ago, people came to know about Dates Benefits, and they also came to know that there is a great healing power of databases. And the science also accepted this fact. It is believed that date palm originated from Iraq, although the people of Italy claim that they had started making wine from dates just before long.

Due to trade from other countries, Data from Southwest Asia to Spain, North Africa and then to Mexico and California. Today Debt is an important ingredient of many Middle Eastern dishes. By the way, 30 types of databases are found in the world, but they are classified as 3 classes. Soft, semi-dry and dry. And this difference is mainly done by keeping three things in mind, glosses, sucrose, and fructose. 

One of the best categories of databases is found in the Gaza Strip. Apart from this, zagolol dates found in Egypt are also considered to be very good, in size, there are many crisps in eating long and thick colors. And it is also very high in the case of sweetness. Found in Saudi Arabia, Shukrera is one of the world's most expensive databases. 

It is light brown and is very soft. After this Khandravya, which is very soft and sweet, is very popular among the Arabs. It is said that there are about 100 varieties of databases in Iraq. People around the world are involved in their daily diet. 

But you should know that the dates are delicious and they are so beneficial for health. Dates are a great source of many types of vitamins, and not only is there a lot of potent elements such as minerals, sugar, calcium, iron and potassium in the datasets.

1.Cholestrol will decrease

Did you know that the amount of cholesterol and even the amount of sugar in the diet is also very low? You can take care of your cholesterol by adding a small amount of dose daily to your diet and at the same time, it will help you to lose weight.

2. Protein-rich.

Prolonged amounts of protein provide a lot of help in keeping your muscles strong. That is why most people taking a gym are advised to eat dates. So if you also want the strength of your muscles then eat protein-rich dates.

3. Source of Vitamin.

Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5 as well as Vitamin A and C are also found in Dates. If you take a daily routine, you do not have to take vitamin supplements. Together, glucose, sucrose, and fructose present in it keep your body alive throughout the day.

4. Keep the bones strong.

You may be surprised to know that the elements like manganese, selenium, copper, magnesium present in the date are very effective for the treatment of your bones. And help to protect you from diseases like osteoporosis

5. Keep the nervous system better.

Due to low sodium content, it plays an important role in keeping your nervous system balanced.

6. Iron Strength.

Apart from the fluorine required to keep your teeth healthy, iron is also present in the date. Iron deficiency can lead to many problems in the body. Like shortness of breath, anemia, fatigue etc. It also helps to clean your blood.

7. The strength of the digestive tract.

If you consume the water kept in the water every morning, fiber present in it helps in improving your digestive system. This is the reason why patients of consonance is advised to eat it.

8. Help to whiten the skin.

Vitamin C and D in the deteros prevent your skin from being loose, that is, they fight wrinkles on your face. They also help you to soften your skin. Anti-Aging properties present in databases do not allow Melanin to be collected in your body.

9. Assistant in weight gain

Due to the presence of sugar, protein and other vitamins, dat helps us increase weight. It is said that eating your date with cucumber increases your weight in a balanced way.

10. Tips for hangover

Such few people know that after soaked in the water, soaked in water overnight, dates can help you to the hangover. Do not forget to put the date of water in the water before being drunk in the night. 

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Author: verified_user