Thursday, November 29, 2018

Best Home Remedies For Cold & Cough - How To Get Rid Cold & Cough At Home


In addition to colds in winter season, your health suffers from cough due to cough. Before taking allopathic medicines to treat them, the side effects of those medicines can not be neglected. Instead, there are many natural home remedies that treat you without any unwanted side effects. Some of the medicines available in the kitchen are listed here. 

Milk and turmeric for cold and cough

Milk and turmeric is one of the most effective treatments of cold and cough. For this, heat milk and mix turmeric powder in it. This cough also proves to be a panacea for cure. This mixture proves to be very beneficial not only for adults but also for children. In addition to cold cough, this mixture proves to be very effective in maintaining normal health. So whenever you feel unwell, get good health by consuming this mixture daily. 

A mixture of honey, cinnamon and lemon for winter cough

It is also an effective drug to cure cold cough. You can mix these three elements and make a syrup. This will make you easier to fight with common cold and cough. To make this syrup, first take a bowl and put a little honey in it. Keep the honey until it is full of half a spoon. After this, use a double boiler and try to dilute the honey. Add a little lemon and a pinch of cinnamon to it. Keep this syrup intact for your child and protect it against cold cough and cold fever. 

Brandy and honey for the treatment of cold

You can also use honey and brandy to fight against common cold and cough. Your chest is hot with brandy and it also helps in increasing the body heat. Along with this, honey has the natural properties of fight against phlegm. So when it blends with brandy, its effect is very good. With the help of this mixture you can easily deal with cold and cold fever. 

Amla to cure cough

Amla is called an immunomodulator and it prevents you from being infected with many diseases. Amla has a considerable amount of vitamin C and this is why it is good for your health. When you take Amla regularly, your liver works well and your blood circulation is also good enough. Amla strengthens your immune system and this is the reason why you should consume it everyday. It is a very effective way of fighting common cold and cold. 

A mixture of honey, hot water and lemon juice for winter cough

A mixture of honey, lemon juice and hot water is a great way to remove the problem of common cold and cough. You can also consume lemonade by repairing your hajamas. It also proves effective for blood circulation of the body. When you mix honey and lemonade together, then the water should be warm at this time. It gives a lot of comfort during the winter and cough. These are substances that are capable of diagnosing your problem. 

Jute seeds for winter cough

You can also diagnose the problem of cold cough due to the use of jute seeds. For this, boil the seeds of jute first and filter it once the mixture becomes thick. Now mix honey and lemon juice in it. You can use this mixture to remove colds and coughs. You can add more elements to this mixture and you will get all these things in the kitchen itself. 

In  addition to mixing ginger ginger with other substances for cough medicine, you can also adopt an easy process. Make some pieces of ginger for this and mix them well with salt. Whenever you feel sore in your throat, begin grafting ginger. Sage treatment of ginger, cold and throat swelling is proven. 

Basil, Ginger and Black Pepper Tea

Being a victim of cold winter, you can also prepare spicy tea for yourself. To make this tea, add basil, ginger and black pepper. These elements are so effective that you will only be able to get relief from the intake of these ingredients. If you mix these elements with tea, you get rid of the problem of colds and cough, and in this way you get relief. 

Cough syrup is a mixture of ginger, basil and honey,

ginger and basil helps fight against cold and cold fever. First, grate the leaves of basil and mix ginger juice in it. To improve this mixture one can also mix honey in it. This mixture works very well to get rid of cough. Ginger juice and basil partake are good for health and this is the reason why you can be healthy with their consumption. 

Household remedy of cough with garlic

Garlic also proves to be very beneficial for you when dealing with cold and cough. For this, take the garlic lightly. After that, heat them in ghee. Although their taste will certainly be bitter and most of the time it does not taste good. But these pieces of garlic are good for health, especially when you are suffering from cold and cough. So eat them and stay healthy. 

Home remedies for cold winter cold jag 

It would be interesting to know that Junk helps you to overcome the problem of cold and cough. However, to make this mixture, you have to boil the water and mix it with black pepper, cumin and jaggery. This mixture is best for removing frozen cough in the chest. It is also a good treatment for colds and cough. So when you find out that your child is constantly disturbed by the running nose, you can use this mixture to keep it away from the problem of cold and cough. 


Most people do not know this, but it is true that carrot juice is fully capable of removing the problems of cold and cough. It may seem a little awkward, but this juice is very beneficial for health. Even more people do not know that coughing is removed from carrot juice. Although the natural properties of this juice help you to be healthy and at the same time increase your immune system. 

Measure of cold, cough herbal tea

if you want to stay away from cold and cough to drink herbal tea. These are herbs of special herbal trees and they have all the qualities of fighting against cold and cough. These leaves have many medicinal properties and they give you freedom from cold and cough. This is the reason that once you know that you are suffering from severe cold cough, you must take this tea intake.

You can overcome this problem by making this tea in many ways. First, put basil leaves in this tea. Once the tea is boiled with basil leaves, add some drops of lemon juice to it and drink it to maintain the health. You can also consume it by mixing cinnamon, garlic cloves, black pepper and freshly chopped ginger in this tea. Boil this mixture in low flame, as well as cover it. This will maintain the nutrition of these substances. While drinking tea you can also mix honey or milk in it. 

Domestic lounge

You can make medicinal lounges at home only. They are quite effective and keep you from the problem of cold and cough. They are less irritated and the throat also gets much comfort. Collect black pepper, ginger, cardamom, honey etc. to make it. Mix all of these well and prepare a thick paste. Now let it cool and tighten, give it a shape and then use it in the shape of its lounge. Now put them in the mouth and keep it till the juice is not gone in the throat and you do not get relief. 

Wet socks

It is true that if you wear wet socks and sleep, then your blood circulates in your feet and you are healthy and warm, which results in the removal of your cold and cough. It is a great way to increase blood circulation and after you wake up in the morning you feel completely healthy. Take dry wool socks for this, immerse them in warm water and wear it immediately. After that go to sleep after wearing it. This will give you plenty of comfort and your nose will not stop again and again. 


feet with mustard You can also experience the mustard bath for your feet to get rid of cold and cough. Take a bowl of water for this and add a spoonful of mustard powder. It is very important to be mixed in one liter of hot water. Mustard is helpful in the circulation of blood in the foot and also gets rid of the problem of nasal clogging.

Sterling for winter colds and cough

If you are suffering from a cold cough problem, then the nose is also closed under it. So keep steaming this time. Take hot boiling water in a large vessel for this and cover your head with a large towel. Now keep steaming slowly. By following this procedure your nose will be completely opened and you will not have any problem breathing. It will also give you less chances of having a cold and cough problem.

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