Saturday, November 4, 2017

How To Rid OF Oily Skin in 2 Days - Get Rid Oli Skin Quickly

hey guys so summer is officially here to some people that's really exciting and to others not so much I'm just sorta in-between because Texas heat is ridiculous and my skin tends to get a little more oily during this time of the year but whether you have oily skin during the summer or all year-round today I will be sharing three steps we can all take to naturally reduce oily skin but first let's talk about what causes oily skin hormones actually have a lot to do with this this is why many teens suffer with oily skin ladies. .

I'm sure you'd notice that during that time of the month you tend to get a little bit more oily it's also really common during pregnancy and when you're going through a lot of stress another major cause is our diet and yes I always say this but it's because it's the truth our diet can also cause a hormonal imbalance so in the end everything is related one thing leads to another and all of this causes the sebaceous glands to produce excess sebum so it's extremely important that we take control of our lifestyle our stress our eating habits that way our hormones and everything will be in balance but of course there are things that we can do externally that will definitely help us so let's get into the tips. 

1. Tea Tree Oil

wash your face two times a day I personally love using a tea tree oil cleanser tea tree oil is antiseptic antibacterial and the best part is that it helps to reduce oily skin without over-drying it's also a solvent so it easily seeps right through the grease and into the pores to really clean and disinfect I really love this one by the body shop I've used it for years I'll leave a link in the description box so you can check it out so you want to gently massage this into your skin and rinse it off with warm water because warmer water will also help to get rid of those excess oils.

2. Oatmeal Face Mask

second tip is to make an oatmeal facemask for this we will need two tablespoons of oats one tablespoon of honey and one tablespoon of lemon juice.

Oats are highly absorptive and hypoallergenic so they're really perfect for any skin type these oats will help us absorb the excess oil on the skin and leave it .

feeling baby soft honey possesses natural humectants that help keep the moisture in your skin it also has antiseptic and antibacterial properties so it's perfect for acne prone skin and lemon juice works as an astringent and helps to get rid of all those extra oils on the face so add all the ingredients together and mix it all up and you should get something like this and it smells really good so you want to apply this all over the face I kind of just Pat it in and you should look like this and you want to leave it on there for about 10 minutes then I just wet my hands a little and slowly start massaging it into the skin for about two minutes and then I wash it off with warm water I recommend applying this mask two times per week.

3. Aloe Vera

my last tip is to apply aloe vera gel to your skin aloe helps to moisturize the skin without making it greasy I think this is the best way for people with oily skin to moisturize it helps clear the pores while absorbing excess.

oils also if you have acne this works wonders I think the best way to get all of these benefits is by getting it straight from the plant however you can also find it in a bottle in stores or online but I'm going to get mine from a leaf of the plant so I just cut off the sides and there it is I like to cut mine into little squares so then I just take one and rub the gel into my skin just all over the face and I let it dry I personally like applying this only at night and I leave it on all night long and then I wash it off the next morning 

and those are my three tips to get rid of or reduce oily skin I have honestly found tea tree oil to be the best for cleansing my face and getting rid of those excess oils and that oatmeal mask leaves my skin feeling so balanced and nourished like it's not oily and it's not dry and for any of you that have ever used oatmeal you know that it leaves your skin feeling baby soft and the aloe is just amazing for any skin type so these are all natural ways that will really benefit you along with making positive changes in your diet and lifestyle I actually filmed a video a few years ago about diet specifically diet and acne so you might find that helpful.


Author: verified_user