Saturday, November 4, 2017

How To Get Soft Feet Feet Just Using 3 Steps - 3 Ways get soft feets

hey guys so I was looking at the calendar and we're less than one month away from spring. it's almost time to put away the boots and bring in the sandals and flip-flops so I thought now is the perfect time to get our feet looking and feeling super smooth and soft .

even if you don't show off your feet I feel like it's still important to take care of them because nobody likes dry feet or cracked heels. 
I really feel like our feet are one of the most neglected parts of our body so today I'm going to share three steps you can do at home to really pamper your feet and make them feel super super smooth.

1. Foot Soak

first thing I recommend is soaking your feet so we're going to need half a cup of milk and two tablespoons of olive oil head over to the bathroom and fill up a tub with warm water about halfway. 

now add the milk and the olive oil these two ingredients have moisturizing properties and will definitely soften up the skin make sure to mix it all very well so now just relax and soak your feet for about 10 minutes this is a great time to read a motivational book like this one.
it's one of my favorites this is not only a great way to relax it also helps to soften up any dry thick skin and prepares the feet for exfoliation


Our foot treatment is exfoliating so now we're going to make our own foot scrub you will need 1/4 cup of sugar 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice add all the ingredients into a jar or something like this and mix it all together you should end up with a thick consistency like this.

now it's time to scrub away you want to focus on the areas where you know you have a lot of dead skin massage it in circular motions the sugar helps to slough off dead skin while the olive oil softens and moisturizes the citric acid in lemons also help to exfoliate it's super important to exfoliate to get rid of all of the dead skin cells that tend to build up.

I recommend exfoliating for at least five minutes and then rinse it all off and continue with the next one if you want even more exfoliation you can definitely use a pumice stone if you need a little bit more maintenance something that I personally love using is the pedegg you might have seen lots of infomercials about this product but this one I definitely recommend if your feet need a little bit more help you literally just file your feet with it and it leaves your feet feeling super smooth after you finish exfoliating.

3. Moisturize

it's very important to moisturize something I love to use after exfoliate my feet is Vaseline it's super super moisturizing but you can also use olive oil or whatever lotion you have at home so you want to apply a thin coat of whatever you prefer and then make sure to put on some socks afterwards so your skin.

really soaks it all in and then we're all done these steps seriously leave my feet feeling baby soft they feel super amazing so those are the three steps you can do at home to really pamper your feet and now they're all ready for spring and summer I recommend doing these steps one to two times a week just depending on how much work your feet need.

Author: verified_user