Saturday, November 4, 2017

HOW TO GET RID OF DRY SKIN At Home- Home Remedies for Dry Skin


hey guys welcome back so I know a lot of people struggle with dry skin during the winter myself included but whether you have dry skin during the winter or all year round today I'm going to be sharing some tips or things you can do to soothe and hydrate dry skin.

1. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a wonderful way to treat dry skin it's the natural cleansers it does a great job of exfoliating and removing dirt and oil from your pores and it won't dry out your skin like most soaps do it also moisturizes and reduces itching and inflammation you simply want to grind some oats using a food processor or a blender and mix them with water or at some honey for even more moisturizing benefits use this as a facial cleanser and massage for a few minutes you can also add the ground oats to a bath and soak your entire body. 

2. Yogurt

Yogurt is a beauty multitasker it contains lactic acid which helps smooth and exfoliate the skin it fights acne prevents premature aging and it also helps to lock in the moisture and just revive dull looking skin you just want to make sure you're using plain yogurt with live cultures to get the best results and you simply want to apply a layer of this and let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes then you want to rinse it off and your skin will feel super refreshed and moisturized.

3. Make A Scrub

One of the best ways to keep your skin soft and hydrated is by exfoliating and you can make a simple scrub by combining sugar and olive oil exfoliating the skin regularly helps to get rid of dead skin cells that builds up on the surface which make the skin look dull and dry so with this scrub you're not only exfoliating but you're also adding moisture because olive oil has deep moisturizing properties so you can use this on your face your body or any way you have dry rough skin and this is actually my all-time favorite go-to scrub the skin feels incredibly soft and it leaves you with a natural healthy glow.

4. Moisturiz With Oil

using oils might seem counterintuitive but they can actually be the best moisturizers for dry skin when you find the ones that work for you one of my favorites to use on my face is jojoba oil it's very similar to the body's natural sebum so it won't clog the pores it has the ability to seal in the moisture and keep the skin nourished and hydrated and for the body I have found olive oil and coconut oil to be some of the best natural moisturizers.

so if you've been using lotions or creams and are still having trouble with dry
skin try testing different whales and see what works best for you but no matter what you use a quick tip is to make sure you moisturize when the skin is still damp this will help lock in the moisture before it evaporates so these are actually things I personally follow when I have dry skin and they really do work so give them a try and be sure to share your tips for dry skin in the comment section below .


Author: verified_user