Saturday, February 23, 2019

Protects you from many serious diseases such as obesity, diabetes and cancer ,Garlic Benefits ForMan And Womens -

Garlic is considered 'miraculous medicine' in Ayurveda. Garlic is a special type of ingredient which is effective in fighting food poisoning bacteria. Garlic is a special ingredient that works to fight food poisoning bacteria. Compared to antibiotics, garlic has hundred times more power to fight food poisoning. In many types of infectious and serious diseases, tea made from garlic is considered very beneficial. Let us tell you about garlic tea and its benefits.
How To Make Garlic Tea.
Garlic contains antibiotics called alium, which protects your body from many diseases. Garlic has an element called Alicin, which kills those microbes that can not destroy the antibiotics called penicillin. Making garlic tea is easy. First, boil a glass of water for it. Now grind some pieces of ginger and garlic, or keep it tight. Cover it and cook it for a while. Turn off the gas for 15 minutes. Wait 5 minutes and let it cool down and then filter this water. Now add one spoon organic honey and one spoon of fresh chopped lemon juice. You can put some mint leaves to decorate. Due to lemon, garlic odor decreases. This tea is very powerful and protects you from many diseases.
Obesity will reduce.
This tea of ​​garlic will reduce your obesity and you will be protected from health and diseases for a long time. In fact, the tea of ​​honey and lemon accelerates the metabolism of the body, which gradually reduces the excess fat of the body and the antioxidant present in garlic-ginger accelerates this process and avoids various diseases and infections Keep healthy.
Blood pressure will remain.
Garlic is also beneficial for those whose blood is obese. It keeps blood flow smoothly in the body. Heals blood, which protects you from many potential diseases. Blood diluted by blood is normal.
This tea is a panacea in toothache.
This tea of ​​garlic provides relief to teeth very quickly. For this, when you make tea, add three to four buds of cloves to garlic and ginger in water. Both cloves and garlic have painful properties.
Cancer prevention.
One of the qualities of garlic is that it enhances your immune system. Due to the antioxidant present in garlic, this tea is also effective in preventing serious diseases such as cancer. Many doctors and Ayurveda experts recommend eating garlic in pancreatitis, breast, prostate cancer etc.
Diabetes is beneficial.
This tea of ​​garlic protects you against diabetes because daily consumption of cholesterol levels in the body decreases. Along with this, antioxidants present in garlic and ginger help in making insulin. The main reason for diabetes is that it is not to be less or less of this insulin.

Author: verified_user