Friday, November 30, 2018

Do Not Apply Now But Eat - which make the skin beautiful - Beauty Tips For Skin


You can not only make your skin cheaper and healthier than expensive cream, lotions or mosquito lasers but rather it needs good food. You can only remove any skin problem from your good diet, so let's know what to eat such that the skin gets refined and never. eat expensive products, eat them, which make the skin beautiful.

1. Berr-Jamun Like antioxidant content in berries, like strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and berries, which prevent skin from being damaged. By eating this, your skin will look young and without scars. If you mix them with yogurt and eat it, then Isaac will have more effect.

Spinach and Carrot: There is a lot of vitamin A found in those who work to make a healthy skin. If you do not take it in your diet, its deficiency will make the skin dry-dry and lifeless. These vegetables work to clean the body and skin. 

3. Green Tea: It contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It reduces swelling of the face, removes bacteria and protects the cell in Brennan. This green tea, which protects the skin from the effects of sunburn, runs away from the risk of skin cancer. So drink green tea twice or three times a day, it also reduces obesity.

4. Almonds: Nuts, such as almonds, cashew nuts and nutrients, are found in the elements which will make your skin soft and sapling. In almonds, you will get vitamin E, which makes the skin shiny and does not come too early. Also, those who have a skin, they should eat almonds to provide moisture to their skin. 

5. Water: The most important element for the skin is water, which hydrate both body and skin. By drinking water, all the dirt is carried out from the body and the skin comes in color and moisture. So if you want shiny skin, drink plenty of water and make skin clean and beautiful.

Author: verified_user