Monday, November 26, 2018

13 Interesting Facts About Saudi Arabia and 14 laws. Facts About Saudi Arabia


Saudi Arabia is a country whose law is famous in the whole world. People know Saudi Arabia because of sand, oil, Sheikh and Mecca medina, but today we will tell you the laws of Saudi Arabia and such facts which you always wanted to know, but no one was telling you.

1. In recent times, there is Saudi Arabian youth; 3 out of every 4 people are under 35 years of age.

2. In terms of spending on the military, Saudi is at number four in the world.

3. 80% of workers working in Saudi Arabia are foreigners. Most laborers work in the oil and gas sectors.

4. Two cities in Islam have been considered the most sacred of Mecca and Medina. Both of them are located in Saudi Arabia, where millions of Muslims visit Haj tour every year. Non-Muslims are not allowed to go here

5. There is no constitution of Saudi Arabia. It emphasizes that the holy scripture is the Koran and the prophet Muhammad itself is their constitution. Actually, these countries run according to the Sharia law.

6. Saudi Arabia is the last country in the world, which gave women the freedom to vote.

7. 95% of Saudi Arabia is desert. Water is very valuable here. There is no river or lake even in the whole country. This country also makes sea water worth drinking.

8. You should not be surprised if I say that there is cheap oil with water here. Yes, the water is low, but oil is the most produced in the world.

9. People of Saudi Arabia spend about 8 dollars a day on cigarettes.

10. Saudi Arabia's Riyadh Camel Market is the world's largest camel market; there are about 100 camels sold every day.

11. Saudi Arabia is at number 4 in the death penalty countries. Here the punishment for killing neck and neck by the sword is the most common, but in recent times the swordsmen are deficient, the country is considering another way.

12. By 2012, in Saudi Arabia, it was such that men used to work in a women's store. But this is not the case at the moment.

13. By 2018, the world's tallest building will be built in incomparable Kingdom Towers in Saudi Arabia. It will be more than one kilometer (3280 meters). It will cost $ 1.23 billion to build it.

14 laws of Saudi Arabia

1. Women in Saudi Arabia have to live in the hijab. There will be no punishment for rap unless there are four eyewitnesses.

2. Women in Saudi Arabia can not get women from non-men and whenever a person goes to a public place, then there should also be a man from the family. These laws are strictly enforced.

3. Saudi Arabia is one of the few countries in the world where there are special restrictions on the clothes of women. Here women should look only hands and eyes on leaving the house.

4. There is a strict ban on viewing porn in Saudi Arabia. If this is done, then you have to understand.

5. In Saudi Arabia, you can not eat sauce sandwiches. And here are buns on pork meat too.

6. In Saudi Arabia, you can not celebrate Valentines Day. Shopkeepers can not keep heart-shaped things at their shop throughout the day around this day.

7. There are cinema bands in Saudi Arabia. Many people here go to other countries just because they can see the film.

8. Saudi Arabia is the only country where women crave for driving. Here women can fly ships but can not drive.

9. Can not make lesbian sex in Saudi Arabia;

10. If there is only one sentence for burning someone's property, such as burning the house, etc.

11. There are completely ban on magic and sorcery in Saudi Arabia. Here a special police unit works only to catch the magicians. In doing so, the throat is cut off directly.

12. Saudi Arabia is probably the world's country where women have to get permission from their husbands to open up to bank accounts. If she does not get permission from her husband then she will not get her approval.

13. The vessel that passes over Saudi Arabia cannot get any alcohol. Surprisingly, the whole world believes in this law.

14. Non-Muslim people do not get citizenship in Saudi Arabia. No non-Muslims can even adopt their worship system here

Author: verified_user