Monday, October 2, 2017

How To First Time Sex-How To Lose Your Virginity

1. Prepare your mind.
It Will definitely hurt" Girls as long as you are relaxed and lubricated it won't hurt to all. What Causes pain to some girls is when they are so anxious that their vaginal muscles clench up.
What about all the blood. Yeah Girls can bleed their hymen breaks,but its not like a fountain of blood or so. 
some dont bleed at all. and lots of girls break their hymen way before their first time. for example during sports. some are even born without it.Take his hand and gently press one or two fingers into you to open slowly. if that felt good and 
you both want more then very slowly and gently slide the inner labia apart and guide the head of the penis into the vaginal opening. Go inch By Inch.For Girls its easiest to take in more of the penis on the exhalation. So when you breathe out you gently press yourself deeper on the penis.If you wanna be a cool him. it can be easy to get lost down there.. 

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2. What if I can't keep it up?

if it happens to you just know you are not alone. A lot boys dont stay Hard during their first time. Erections usually
go down when a boy feels under presure or when he is nervous. so don'tput to much thought into it or feel embrassed..

it will come back naturally. Some Bad Habits Kill Your Sex Life

2. Your partner.. 

Sex is something really really special.its a super intense exchange of information on every level.
and the crazy thing is that your mind and body can store all of these information.. and they some how wake you.
so if you want to become an awesome person amke love to an awesome person.someone who respects and admires you and

is concerd about your feelings. someone who will never pressure you into having sex. How To Increase Penis Size Naturally 

3. Expolre Your body.

If you want to be ahead of your game and feel a little more prepared for your first time then get to know 
you body. The Best Way to do so is with self pleasure.

4. Contraception and sexual health.

If you dont want to make a baby right at your first time then you better know about all options of contraception.and the same goes for sexual health.


1 .Where To Do IT?

The Best place is where you both feel safe and undistracted. privacy really is super important.if you want to make it even beter switch of your phone, dim the light,clean up your room and set a warm temprature.Trust me it works.  Amazing Health Benifits For Health Life


Whatever you do it slow and connect to your partner.Not Just Does it make sex so much better,but it also important 
because girls usually need much more time to get fully aroused than boys. and before a girls is not fully aroused the should not have anyone enter her. if she is not fully lubricated penetration can lead to tearing of the vaginal skin. there is because the skin is super thin down there.
Before any penetration explore each other to be honest. Penetration is actually the smallest part when it comes to awesome sex.
as long as your partner is not a clairvoyant or so its super important to sounds so simple but I know it can be so hard. but if you want to have great sex you have to talk and say what you like and what you dont like.
try not to do anything waithout your partner conestnt. whenver you can ask are you feeling oky? Does this feel 
good? if you dont gaet a Yes Dont go Further.Before you guys go any further try testing the waters.. 
For Exmple whit his fingers.

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Author: verified_user