Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Why Ayurveda Treatment For Swin Flu Had Been So Popular Till Now? Ayurveda Treatment For Swin, flu

These viruses kill the virus even before swine flu occurs, these 5 drugs do not have an infection
  • Swine flu is an infectious disease.
  • Treatment of swine flu is possible.
  • Rescue is necessary to prevent swine flu.

In the Delhi NCR alone, cases of swine flu have crossed 1000 in the beginning of February. Some people are still suffering from this disease, some find ways to stop it. They used to wear masks, eat right and keep others safe from viruses. Although prevention is better than cure and the best way to prevent illness is to prevent it,

If you or someone close to you has to be protected from infection then there are options other than medicines to treat swine flu, which can be avoided by swine flu. You can include them in your daily life and protect them from this serious illness.
Garlic has anti-inflammatory properties which promote antioxidant activity in the body. It is used in the treatment of back pain and headache and it can also help in the treatment of swine flu. Aliceine in garlic improves immunity. Eating some buds of garlic with warm water in the morning can really help.
Basil is known for its medicinal properties. Fighting diseases like flu, cough, and cold are beneficial. Basil can be used to treat and improve swine flu.
Ginseng is known for helping diabetics to control blood glucose. However, it can also help in the treatment of swine flu. Various studies show that Ginseng can help fight the H1N1 virus. A cup of ginseng tea is recommended for swine flu patients.
Turmeric is known as the main spice in cooking in Indian homes. Turmeric has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties that can help in the treatment of swine flu. A cup of hot turmeric milk can help fight diseases such as H1N1, muscle pain or fatal virus.
Olive leaves
Olive leaves can help prevent and treat swine flu. Olive leaves rich in polyphenols and flavonoids are a good source of medicinal properties. It should be used to fight the H1N1 virus. It helps in the treatment of swine flu symptoms - like nausea, cold, cough etc.

Author: verified_user