Monday, February 18, 2019

How To Get Rid Acne,stains, scars, Blackheads - Papaya Benifits For Skin Problem


Papaya is an incredibly healthy tropical fruit.
It is full of antioxidants which can reduce swelling!

Fight the disease and can help you look younger.

Papaya is an incredibly healthy tropical fruit. It is full of antioxidants which can reduce swelling, fight against disease and can help you look younger. Papaya is accompanied by beauty as well as beauty. This color enhances acne, removes acne and also removes many skin problems. With aging, wrinkles begin to occur on the face. But, by consuming daily papaya you can keep this problem away.

Nutrition in papayas
Nourishment (152 grams) in a small papaya

Calories: 59
Carbohydrates: 15 grams
Fiber: 3g
Protein: 1 g
Vitamin C: 157% of RDI
Vitamin A: 33% of RDI
Folate (Vitamin B9): 14% of RDI
Potassium: 11% of RDI
There is also some amount of calcium, magnesium and vitamin B1, B3, B5, E and K.
Remove stain spots
If your face has dark black spots, mix cucumbers, papaya and tomato juice in equal amounts and apply them on the face. When this coating is dried, mix this mixture again. Apply this coating on the face three-four times after drying. Wash the face with cold water after putting the lip on the face for twenty minutes. The pack of papaya is effective in getting rid of two mouths. Take a ripe half a papaya (if the hair is long then more papaya may be needed), peel it and take out the seeds. Mix the pulp with half a cup of curd and apply it in the hair. Leave it for half an hour and wash the head with normal water.

Remove dead skin
Beta hydroxyl acid i.e. BHA chemical is found in papaya. BHAA works as a tribal. That is, it has the ability to remove dead cells of the skin, making the skin more soft and smooth.At the same time, this fruit also removes the skin dirt and oil through BHAA, which is the main cause of acne. There is also a virtue in the polyps that due to regular scrub, the stain spot on the face becomes light and the color also fades is. Take papaya and make small pieces of it. Put it in the face for five minutes and then wash the face with clean water.

The face pack of papaya is beneficial for people of all ages. It relieves the problem of sunburn. Take half cup papaya and grind it in milk. Put this coating on the face. Wash the face after about 10-15 minutes. Mix papaya pulp, honey and curd and leave this paste on the face for 10 to 15 minutes. Then clean it with water. Continuous use of this pack once a day, the acne will completely end.

Benefits of eating papaya
Despite being sweet, people who lose weight to low papaya in calories should definitely include them in their diet. Apart from this, fiber present in papaya keeps you satisfied with the work of intestines, making you feel satisfied and full, resulting in easy weight loss.

In papaya, there is abundant fiber, vitamin C and anti-oxidant which can make cholesterol clots in your blood vessels. Cholesterol throat can cause heart attack and many other heart diseases including hypertension.

Your immunization acts as a shield against different infections. Only one Papaya contains enough vitamin C which is about 200 percent of your daily vitamin requirement. In this way, it strengthens your resistance.


Author: verified_user