Tuesday, February 19, 2019

5Secrets You Will Not Want To Know About Abdominal Pain In Pregnancy. - Abdominal Pain In Pregnancy


  1. If you have a pain in the lower abdomen, take a bath with hot water.
  2. To reduce the pain, heat it with a hot water bottle.
  3. Exercise caution against stomach virus and food poisoning.

The condition of pregnancy is very fragile. When a woman is pregnant, she should take every minor change in her body seriously. Because in the meantime, the internal structure of the body also changes with the external structure. There is a lot of changes in the body due to heavy changes in the hormones. One of these is a pain in the stomach.
There are several reasons for stomach pain during pregnancy. It is important to understand the type of stomachache that can be considered normal in pregnancy and not of what type.
According to Dr. Amarsingh Chundavat, senior surgeon of Narayana Seva Sansthan, Udaipur, with the expansion of the uterus, as the limbs shift from the mother and the bone bonds are spreading simultaneously, the stomach pain is inherently natural. It is also important to know when abdominal pain should be taken seriously. Dr. Chundawat says that abdominal pain can be considered as serious When abdominal pain begins to occur with vomiting, fever, chills and abnormal bleeding from the vagina. Also, round ligament pain is only for a few minutes, in such a case if there is a pain in the stomach, the matter is serious. Apart from this, if walking with abdominal pain is too difficult to breathe or breathe, it should be taken seriously.

This type of stomach ache may have the following consequences:

According to the Health Management Information System, according to the Health Management Information System in India, 5.55 lakh abortions have been registered from April 2017 to March 2018, out of which 4.7 lakh were in government hospitals. Abdominal pain is an important role in abortion cases. Every 5-20 minutes, contractions, back pain, or bleeding without convulsions, light or sharp spasms in the vagina, an unexpected reduction in other symptoms of pregnancy, etc. are major signs of miscarriage.
premature birth
Birth prematurely occurs in the 24 to 37th week. Born to Soon: The Global Action Report on Preterm Birth on behalf of the World Health Organization reports with other reporters that the total birth of 3,519,100 people in India is premature, approximately 24 percent of the total birth.As data indicate that India is at the top of the list of 10 countries contributing 60 percent in the world's premature delivery. Doctors and gynecologists recommend pregnant women to go for a regular medical checkup during the pregnancy period.

After 20 weeks of pregnancy, women may also suffer from high blood pressure problem. Occasionally, protein is also present in women's urine. This slows the growth of the child because high blood pressure can cause the tightening of blood vessels in the uterus. There are many such symptoms, such as headache, nausea, swelling, abdominal pain and blurred vision.
urinary tract infection

Bacterial infections can cause urinary tract infections. It can affect the urinary tract. UTI leads to infection in the urethra, bladder, and even kidneys. Symptoms coming with this condition can include burning sensation in the genital area, urination to urination, burning during urination and pain in the back. According to the studies, regular use of cranberry can prevent UTI.

During pregnancy, the infection of appendix becomes the condition of the surgery in pregnancy. This is due to physical changes in the body. According to doctors, it is easy to diagnose in the first and second quarters. In the lower part are symptoms like pain, vomiting, and lack of appetite.

Gallstones are a common problem due to extra estrogen during pregnancy. Symptoms that can cause gallstones can cause overweight, over 35 years of age, and medical history of stones in the family.
Ectopic pregnancy.

Women complain of severe pain in the stomach even when the egg gets transplanted to any other place other than the uterus. Pain and hemorrhage occur during the 6-10th week of pregnancy in ectopic pregnancy. During conception, if endometriosis, tubal ligation, and intrauterine device are used during pregnancy, women are at greater risk.

Precautions to be performed during pregnancy

  • Immediately after the pain, rest comfort.
  • If you have a pain in the lower abdomen, take a bath with hot water.
  • To reduce the pain, heat it with a hot water bottle.
  • Exercise caution against stomach virus and food poisoning.
  • Dry food is a better option.


Author: verified_user