Tuesday, February 12, 2019

5 Most Bizarre Trees ! Strange Trees In The World


Friends nature has given us a lot, due to which life on earth is possible today and the most important thing in this episode is the tree plantation. Yes Yes, nature has given us the reason to live by planting trees, because without trees, life is impossible, but nature has given us trees with simple tree plantations which are very strange. Seeing who you will be wondering about how this is possible, because in these trees there is a tree from which blood is released

Blood Wooden Tree

It is said that the tree also lives in plants. Often we also overlook this. But if a tree starts bleeding, then you will be afraid of it, because usually it does not happen. Yes, this tree, which is found in South Africa, is neither strange nor secretive. Yes, these trees are strange. These worlds are famous because of their strangeness. And the reason for its fame is the red blood out of it. These unique trees are found in South Africa. Whenever these trees are harvested, then blood sister
Pine Trees

There are 400 pine trees in Poland, which are famous for their amazing shape in the wild of the Grafiano in Poland. This forest is called Crooked Forest. Pine trees were planted in this forest in 1930. The curved shape of the trees is made by humans, but no one knows about this curved figure for which purpose it was given. Although these trees of this forest have been included in the world's weirdest trees.
Dragon Tree

The living tree is considered to be the dragon tree, because when it is harvested, then the juice of red blood emerges from it. The base of this tree is broad, middle part narrowness and the upper part is stacked like an umbrella. For this reason, this part seems to be that hundreds of trees have been planted together. Canary Arles is situated on the northwestern coast of Africa, people from all over the world come to see this tree. But why is it called the Dragon Tree? It is beyond understanding.
Silk Cotton

People from the corner of the world come to see this tree located in Angarakot, Cambodia. There is also a world famous Hindu temple in Angarcoat. The wild area is also famous for the silk cotton trees. The 'Ta from Buddhist temple' was built here in the 12th century, though now it has turned into ruins.Hundreds of years old temple and these trees have been declared World Heritage. These giant temples have been covered by these trees. It is not surprising to see this wonderful meeting of temple and tree.

Madagascar is the land of Africa. is. The baobab tree is a very strong tree. It is called Gorakshi in Hindi It is wonderful to see this tree, 30 meters high and about 11 meters wide. If you look at it, you will be stunned. The first identification of the baobab tree is to look upside down. This means seeing it means that the roots of the tree are up and down the stem. On this tree, leaves of 6 months of the year are kept and the remaining six months this tree looks like a stub Africa has also given it the title of 'The World Tree' and declared it a protected tree. It is said that some baobab trees located here are very old. This tree is standing here since Roman time. One such tree is located near the city of Ifti. The name of this tree is T-Pot Baiobab. A stem comes out from its main stem,That's why it got the name T-Pot. It is being told as 1200 years old. According to experts, it has the capacity to store one lakh 17 thousand 348 liters of water. Some other species of this species are here, whose length is 80 meters and the stem width is 25 meters.

Author: verified_user