Thursday, November 29, 2018

You Will Not know These 30 Things of "SUN" - Amazing 30 Fact about sun


1. Whether you are reading this fact whenever you are reading this fact, if you are doing anything at any time, 10 lakh billion (1013) neutrons left by Sunya are passing through your body.

2. 99.24% of sunshine is of sun.

3. If the size of the suit is as much as a football and Jupiter's golf hair, then the size of the earth will be less than a pea.

4. The light takes 17 minutes to 8 minutes to come to Earth from sunlight.

5. There are 108 names of Sunya in Sanskrit language.

6. If you believe that you live on the surface of the Sun, then the rocket that you have to carry on the earth should be 618 kilometers per sink.

7. Sun is a gas ball it is 72% Hydrogen, 26% Helium and 2% Carbon.

8. The outer surface temperature of the Sun is 5500 degrees Celcius while the inner part temperature is 1 million 31 lakh degree Celcius.

9. Sun makes large amounts of solar wind, in which particles like electrons and protons are formed. The wind is so fast (about 450 kilometers per second) and powerful that it also emerges from the powerful gravity of the current electron and proton sun.

10. Planets with powerful magnetic fields like the Earth give such particles even before reaching the Earth. (Keep in mind that the magnetic field turns out to be no atmosphere.)

11. The eclipse occurs when the moon, between the earth and the sun, arises. This condition lasts for a maximum of 20 minutes.

12. Surya eclipse is seen in 360 days on earth everywhere. Sun takes more than 5 times more than a year. The sun eclipse stays up to 7 minutes 40 seconds, but the symbiotic sun eclipse moves up to 20 minutes.

13. The mass of the sun (weight) is approximately 1.989 * 1030 kg.

14. Every second of the sun changes to 7 million tonnes of hydrogen, 6 million 95 million tonnes of helium, and the remaining 5 lakh tons turn into gamma rays.

15. Every Sacked Sun's weight decreases 50 million tons.

16. Suppression of the inner part of the sun is 340 billion times greater than the atmosphere of Earth's atmosphere. The density of the inner part of the Sun is 150 times more than the density of the current water on the earth.

17. If all the pieces of a cheese from the center of the sun are placed on the surface of the earth, then any rock can go and nothing can stop it from going around 150 kms of earth.

18. The surface area of ​​the Sun is 11990 times more than the surface area.

19. Gury of Sun is 28 times higher than Earth. Meaning if your weight on the earth is 60 kg then it will be 1680 kg at the sun.

20. Sun is not solid like earth. This is made of all the gases of Sarah.

21. The gravity of the Sun is so powerful that the Pluto planet located 6 billion kilometers away is moving in its orbit due to its gravity.

22. If an object falls within the Sun 2 million 22 thousand kilometers, then the sun will pull it towards itself.

23. The light takes 5 hours and 30 minutes to reach Pluto from Sunya.

24. Just like our earth completes one revolution in 24 hours in front of its axis, the sun just completes one revolution in 25 days in front of its smoke.

25. Since the birth of the sun, it has rotated the galaxy only 20 times. It takes 25 million years to complete one revolution.

26. The energy generated by a square centimeter of the sun will be enough to awaken 64 bulbs of 100 watts of energy.

27. The energy of the Sun reaching the earth is such that the energy is 6000 times more than the energized energy produced by humans.

28. The energy that is received by the sun in 30 days is so much higher than energy consumed by humans for 40,000 years.

29. If you believe that the sun shines on one day, then the earth will be completely frozen like a snow in just a few hours. The entire earth will become like the North and the Vaishan Dhruv.

30. Norwegian singularity is an area where the sun shines for three and a half months continuously.


Author: verified_user