Sunday, November 5, 2017



hey guys so today's video is going to be all about lemons they have amazing health benefits when consumed internally but they can also help us when we use them externally so today I'll be sharing 10 different ways you can add lemons into your beauty routine.

1. Skin Brighten

lemon juice is a very well-known skin brightener it has natural bleaching and exfoliating properties. 
so you can use this on areas like the knees and elbows to lighten them to rub some lemon juice onto the area for a few minutes every night and wash off in the morning if you're struggling with dandruff lemon can help balance the scalp pH level and get rid
of that dry flaky skin mix two tablespoons of coconut oil with one teaspoon of lemon juice and massage this into the scalp for several minutes the coconut oil in this mask helps to fight dandruff because it has antifungal properties and it moisturizes the scalp as well leave the Sun for at least thirty minutes and then shampoo  as usual.

2. Oily Skin

lemons contain astringent properties it makes one of the best natural toners for oily skin it does a really good job of controlling the excess oil but you always want to dilute it with a little bit of water or you can make your very own lemon toner I'll have a link to that in the description box so just like this all over your face every night and wash it off in the morning.


lemon juice can also be used as a natural deodorant because it kills the odor causing bacteria and this is also where I use years ago to lighten my underarms as some of you might remember so just squeeze some lemon juice onto a cotton round and wipe this on each underarm.

4.Foat Soak

lemon juice also makes the perfect foot soak add half a cup of lemon juice to a tub of warm water and soak your feet for 15 minutes the citric acid found in lemons acts as a natural exfoliant it slips off dead skin cells and reveal softer skin.

5. Whiten Teeth

the lightening properties of lemons are also present in the peel and this can be used to whiten the teeth naturally just rub the inside of the lemon peel on your teeth for one to two minutes and then rinse and brush your teeth like you normally do.

6. Nail strengthener

if you have dry brittle nails you can make a nail strengthener by combining one tablespoon of lemon juice with about two tablespoons of olive oil dip your nails in the mixture and soak them for 10 minutes,  and then you can also rub this into your nails to really get it in there this will help to repair and prevent further breaking and it's also a great way to brighten up yellow nails.


the juice and lemons can also help fight acne because it's antiseptic and it has astringent properties so it helps to control the oil on the skin and I also find it reduces a lot of the redness for an all-natural acne fighting mask combined honey with a little bit of lemon juice and apply this to the skin honey is also antiseptic and a half anti-inflammatory properties so it will help with the swelling and redness as well. 

8. Chapped Lips

if you're suffering from dry and chapped lips lemon juice can help gently exfoliate and soften them combined it with a little bit of sugar for an all-natural lip scrub rub this in for one to two minutes and you'll be left with really soft live.
9. Skin Smother

lemons contain alpha hydroxy acids that soften and smooth the skin I like to combine it with a little bit of yogurt which also leaves the skin feeling incredibly smooth apply a layer of this on your face or wherever you have rough or bumpy skin and let it dry before washing it off. 

10. Immune system

lemon juice into a cup of water especially in the mornings it really helps to boost your immune system and it improves your digestion.

Author: verified_user