Wednesday, November 1, 2017

How to Get Soft and whiten Hands At Home - Get Soft Hands At Home

Hello Friends wellcome to

today I want to focus on the skin on our hands I'm sure we've all heard that when it comes to age the back of our hand says it all our hands are the first part to show serious signs
of aging and that's simply because we use them for everything from washing dishes to lifting weights to driving or simply applying hand sanitizer our hands go through a lot they're constantly exposed to chemicals and they receive lots of sun exposure more than we actually can imagine all of these things can lead to rough dry hands calluses wrinkles and many more things and even after everything they go through we tend to neglect them so that's why today I'm going to share three steps that will really help to repair the hands and leave them feeling super soft and also help to prevent aging so to get super soft hands.

I recommend exfoliating and you can make your own hand scrub 

One tablespoon of olive oil and two tablespoons of sugar and all you do is mix the two
ingredients and you've just made an amazing hand scrub so head over to a sink grab some of your scrub and gently start massaging this all over the hands on the back the palms in between the fingers and keep massaging for a good two to three minutes.

then rinse everything off I love doing this because it's like a whole new layer
of skin and my hands just feel amazingly smooth another really important step is to moisturize our hands are exposed to so many things throughout the day including water chemicals and the Sun all of which can be very damaging to the hands. so 

Make your own hand cream using one teaspoon of almond oil one tablespoon of aloe vera gel and three tablespoons of coconut oil and this is optional, but you can also add three to four drops of tea tree oil for antibacterial properties these ingredients contain tons of amazing benefits for the skin. 

they have different vitamins and are all great moisturizers so they're really going to nourish and repair our skin so just whip everything together for a few minutes.

until you get a creamy consistency and then you want to store this in a glass jar or you can take it with you on the go in something smaller like this using a hand cream is really the best way to restore the lost moisture and also to repair the hands they'll feel and look younger. 

so make it a habit and remember to apply hand cream throughout the day the last and most important step is to apply sunscreen after our face our hands receive the most sun exposure the skin on the hands is so thin that's why it's more prone to sagging wrinkles and age
spots and there are plenty of studies that show that sunscreen reduces skin aging so why not apply it to the hands there are also lots of hand creams on the market that come with sunscreen all righty.

so you don't have to worry about applying two different things every time,
you wash your hands so let's not forget about the hands and apply sunscreen to them as well so those are my top three tips for soft younger looking hands and remember that for any DIY.

you can substitute the ingredients for whatever you want so for example for the hand
scrub if you don't have a loyal you could always use sweet almond oil or jojoba oil or if you don't have any of those you could also just squeeze some lime juice or lemon juice with the sugar and that also forms a really great scrub.

I get those kinds of questions a lot so I thought I'd just clear that up because I know that we don't all have the same exact ingredients in our kit so remember to share this video with
your friends give it a like if you found it helpful and let me know in the comment section below what tips you have for softer younger looking hands.


Author: verified_user