Monday, October 16, 2017

6 Reasons Your First Time Having Sex Will Suck || First time sex tips || first time sex

Here Six resons your first time having sex will probably suck.

1- it may not Even work

an unspoken virginity is not being able to make things work down there a lot people have trouble fitting or figuring out exactly what to do this skin turns form your magic night into wow it would be magic, if we could ever  get your plug into my outlet. this is true for all copules but if it's happening to you my advice is its way easier  if you are wet down there and if it still doesnt go in well if at first you dont succed sex and sex again.

2- it May End Pretty Quicky 

Thats orgasm took you no time at all extra points for that maybe next time you could do it even faster, said no girl ever the joke about a guy lasting two minuts is only a joke beacause it happens all the times mostly teo dudes who haven't done it in a while let alone done it at all. instead of being bummed about it as a compliment girl and early orgasm means he was super turned on by you and the moment i'm just saying all those hours lighting candles and spreading  out rose petal still might not get you all seven in heaven.

3- You'll Forgot to Enjoy Yourself.

here the first time having sex is the same way you may be so busy obsessing over whats going where and how you're supposed to look and sound and oops, its all over you're back on your phones some how fully clothed and about to go grab  and what the heck just happend, remembering to actually relax and enjoy the moment is important but may not happen for you until a few time after. No big deal thats totally normal, Just consider your first time as an awessem test run.

4- it Might Be Painfull 

i dont want you to think that your dudes penis is a sword and he is going to like pierce through you hymen and declare victory while you ride in pain. im saying thats this most likely will be a feeling you never had before and the pressure of his penis against you could cause some discomfort but you know what they say pain is just weaknees leaving the body.
Even if that penis entering the body.

5- You Wont Know What To Ask For 

This is fact i wish in knew the most because it's your first time you have no idea whats going to make you feel  best, even if you have already used toys or fingers if you haven't folded ding dong in your bing bong, thats the  first time i have ever said that what im tring to say great sex is often about comunication knowing who will  orgasm fist or if you want to at the same time or even of you'll take a pass so you can give more than get, this round to mention all the thing your partner can do that trun you on or trun you off.

6- You'll Probably feel Overwhelmed

a lot is about to happen to you young padawan and you may not know how it will affect you until it's all over I know girls who have cried after sex others who couldn't stop laughing and others who felt so angry with how it went they just wanted to forget it ever have.
I pretend the next time was our first time my gosh even talking about those examples was overwhelming whatever you do don't think that you have to feel a certain way after and don't think your feelings have to match that of your partner cuz let's be honest if they orgasm they're probably already asleep and there you go six reasons why your first time might suck. 


Author: verified_user